
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hotel Missoni Kuwait

Last week I featured Hotel Missoni Edinburgh on the blog, and now it is Hotel Missoni Kuwaits turn. Hotel Missoni Kuwait is a fire of colour and glass at first sight. Gold, beige, teal, and purple glow from behind enormous patterned urns sitting in the huge front windows, beckoning passers by to press their faces up to the glass for a closer look.

Inside, 169 rooms and suites are spread over 18 floors, each filled with such an array of pattern and colour that guests will wonder if they've stumbled into the Missoni seamstress' design studio.

The Italian theme runs right through the dining options as well; Cucina acts as the beating heart of the hotel, serving authentic homecooked Italian favorites made with the freshest ingredients possible. Mmm... sounds delicious!

Source: Kiwi Collection