
Friday, June 14, 2013

Anantara Si Kao Resort & Spa, Thailand


Anantara Si Kao Resort & Spa, Thailand is a luxury retreat in Krabi that caters to the mind, body, and spirit in true Thai fashion.

At Anantara Si Kao Resort & Spa, Thailand, health and wellness aren't just words, they're a way of life. Lie back and let the time honored traditions of Thai massage and Ayurvedic therapeutic remedies revitalize your spirit and detoxify your soul. Expand your horizons (and your core muscles) through early morning beachside yoga, or float like a lotus flower from a hanging beach-bed. Nourish your inner being on fresh, organic foods grown and caught locally and prepared respectfully and intuitively.

And because relaxation and play are social as much as solitude events, raise a different kind of spirit with pre-dinner cocktails while drinking in a hazy seaside view, or choose from any one of the more than 120 different wines from around the world and let yourself relax and enjoy this deserved escape.
 Source: Kiwi Collection